Division List

No. Division Address Telephone Fax
1. Management Services Division (BKP) Level 9, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 6501 03-8870 6843
2. Academic Excellence Division (BKA) Level 4, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 6000 03-8870 6850
3. Public HEI Governance Division (BGA) Level 8, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
 03-8870 6711 03-8870 6859
4. Private HEI Governance Division (BGS) Level 8, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 6000 03-8870 6861
5. Public HEI Student Admissions Division (BKPA) Level 4, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 8200 03-8870 6864
6. Industrial Relations Division (BHI) Level 7, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
 03-8870 6461 03-8870 6845
7. HEI Research Excellence Division (BKPI) Level 7, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
 03-8870 6961 03-8870 6867
8. Internationalization of Higher Education Division (IHED) Level 4, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 6000 03-8870 6853
9. Students Affairs Division (BHEP) Level 5, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 6000 03-8870 6847
10. Enforcement and Inspectorate Division (BPI) Level 5, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8870 6781 03-8870 6865
11. Private Standard Division (BSS) Level 5, No. 2, Tower 2,
P5/6 Street, Precinct 5
62200 F.T. Putrajaya
03-8000 8000 03-8870 6856
  • Hits: 48624

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