Malaysia Education Development Plan 2015-2025

The Malaysian higher education system has grown from strength to strength over the past few decades. Over the last ten years alone, the system has made significant gains in student enrolment, risen in global recognition on key dimensions such as research publications, patents, and institutional quality, as well as become a top destination for international students. These achievements are a testament to the drive and innovation of the Malaysian academic community, the support of the private sector, as well as the deep investment the Government has made.

Nonetheless, the Ministry of Higher Education (the Ministry) recognizes that the system will need to keep evolving to stay abreast with, if not ahead of, global trends. For example, disruptive technologies such as advanced robotics, the Internet of Things, and the automation of knowledge work are expected to dramatically reshape the business and social landscape from what it is today. Preparing Malaysian youth to thrive in this complex and ever-changing future will require an equally fundamental transformation of how the higher education system and higher learning institutions (HLIs) currently operate.

In 2013, the Ministry thus began developing the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015–2025 (Higher Education) or the MEB (HE). Over the course of two years, the Ministry drew on multiple sources of input, from Malaysian and international education experts, to leaders of Malaysian HLIs and members of the public. The end product is a blueprint that was developed by Malaysians, for Malaysians, and that will equip Malaysia for the final leg of its journey towards becoming a high-income nation.

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